
The Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Inc., offers trips, classes, workshops and other activities promoting enjoyment of safe sea kayaking within the Chesapeake Bay region. Volunteer-led, we organize our activities through the CPA MeetUp, and provide a discussion venue for paddlers through our Forum and Facebook pages. For more information about the Club, look here.

Reminder, all CPA trips require a waiver. Download the PDF file here.

Latest News

August 30, 2024 by Manuverer

I heard the news that Bill Smith, a friend and former CPA Coordinator, passed away.  I first met Bill on a CPA paddle when I was still relatively new to Maryland.  He immediately became friends with my husband since they both had history in the Navy.  It turned out that we had also shared membership in an outdoors group in

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August 14, 2024 by Manuverer

Extracted from the Bay Journal by Jeremy Cox After 30 years of slow progress toward restoring the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, federal agencies adopted a new strategy in 2014 with goals for 2025.  The 2014 strategy added three more states and finally encompasses the entire 64,000 square mile drainage.  It featured enforceable pollution caps set by

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August 12, 2024 by Manuverer

Steering Committee Member and former Coordinator Bill Smith passed away unexpectedly in his sleep last week. A native of Michigan, Bill was an avid kayaker and canoeist who joined CPA in 2009 after moving here from Florida. He was Coordinator from 2017-2022 and served on the Steering Committee from 2016 to the present. After retiring from his construction career, Bill

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July 24, 2024 by Manuverer

It’s been a hot summer so far and it is only July.  Kayaking can be a great way to beat the heat, but we also need to be aware of the dangers.  One issue that I have seen when paddling in hot weather is heat exhaustion.  Heat exhaustion is a condition that occurs when your body overheats due to prolonged

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